Siekiant užtikrinti verslo skaidrumą, lankstumą ir efektyvumą būtina kokybiška buhalterinė apskaita. UAB „Mokam“ — tai profesionalių buhalterių biuras, kurio tikslas — teikti aukšto lygio buhalterines paslaugas savo klientams. Tvarkinga buhalterinė apskaita garantuos sėkmingą verslo vystymąsi ir išsikeltų tikslų, realizavimą. Mūsų komanda pasirūpins, kad visos buhalterinės paslaugos būtų atliktos itin kruopščiai ir profesionaliai. Mes klausomės savo klientų ir prieš atliekant buhalterinės apskaitos paslaugas stengiamės pasiūlyti optimaliausią variantą, kuris atitiktų visus kliento lūkesčius. Esame patikima ir kompetentinga buhalterinių paslaugų įmonė. Dirbame tam, kad klientas visada būtų patenkintas.
Select which accounting services interest You:
Accounting and bookeeping services
All accounting services
Store statement In case of commercial or industrial activity, movement of goods, raw materials within warehouse (-s) or trading venues is kept on record.
Accounting on-line You may log in to an accounting program, perform accounting operations on-line and follow the process wherever you are.
Employee statement Provide the data of an employee, and we will prepare an employment contract, requests, regulations, submit the datа to The State Social Insurance (SODRA), State Tax Inspectorate (VMI), keep stock records of payroll, etc.
Taxes and declarations We assess and inform You about due taxes before the payment deadline; we prepare and submit all necessary declarations.
Balance sheets and income statements We prepare balance sheets and profit accounts in accordance with Your required periodicity. If necessary, we may also prepare balance sheets and profit accounts for banks, shareholders, managers, as well as a set of annual reports for The Centre of Registers.
Consultations Certainly, You have many questions which we are capable of answering. We provide consultations in accounting and taxes. We advise on reducing fiscal risks.
Company formation and launching of activity We help to start up a business: set up companies, explain essential questions regarding accounting and taxes in the beginning of business activity, provide consultations.
Marius Malcius
UAB WiseintegrationProfessional help, service and pleasant communication.
Laura Raškinienė
UAB “Centro odontologijos klinika”
My activity requires focus and concentration. I like working with MOKAM because documents and statements are well done, problems are fast solved, and I do not need to give much attention to accounting. Thus I may give more attention to my clients.
Povilas Butkus
UAB “PA Group”
We have chosen MOKAM for their competent and experienced team of specialists that know their work and do it fast and good.
UAB “Proservis”
We started working with MOKAM in the beginning of 2009. We have trusted all accounting to MOKAM, yet we have an important possibility to connect to accounting system on-line. Thus we may credit and spend our goods and services, see all necessary statements, make transfers. We appreciate services of MOKAM, their high quality work, fast solutions of all our problems and pleasant service.
Having made this decision, we have avoided everyday worries of accounting and saved money as well.
It is really easy to work with „Mokam“ Ltd, as their employees are professional, flexible and all documents of accounting are done in time.
Tadas Pečkaitis
UAB „Sonista“ direktorius
“MOKAM” yra nepakeičiama partnerė mūsų įmonei. Nuosekliai ir kruopščiai tvarko buhalterinę apskaitą.
Laura Liubinaitė
MOKAM is irreplaceable partner for our company. Accounting is done thoroughly and attentively, our problems are always taken into consideration and solved. One of the best qualities of the company is work done in time. Thank You for the work.
Živilė Gudlevičienė
UAB „Medicinos biotechnologijų centras“
We appreciate working with MOKAM. Documents are organised in an operative manner, always on time. I especially appreciate their system of communication and cooperation. You can always write a question via e-mail, and you get the answer in several minutes. I believe the success formula of MOKAM is energetic, competent collective that is constantly improving.
Vytenis Kudinskas
UAB „Mažeika ir partneriai“ partnerisWe had started communicating with UAB „Mokam“ even before we started our company - we have used services of company formation provided by „Mokam“ Ltd. We are happy with cooperation, and the company not only does the accounting, but also gives useful advice, offers various patterns of documents, listens to our needs.
Rita Dubietienė
UAB „RDR prekyba“
We have trusted accounting of our company for „MOKAM“ Ltd. We have been working together for many years as this company takes all responsibility for the work. When questions arise, we may ask immediately any time, and we get thorough answers always. It is very important for us that we may consult on business and accounting issues and find the best solution for taking our next steps.
We like cooperating with "Mokam" Ltd because of competent and friendly employees and, most importantly, for the work always honestly well done. Happy to cooperate. Sincerely wish you all the best!